Submissions and Corrections

Movies sorted by alphabetical order by title
Masturbation in Film

172 Male Masturbation Scenes


Submit Entry

96 Female Masturbation Scenes


To find out more information about each film, click on its title
to discover more about the film from The Internet Movie Database.

If you are interested in adding or changing an entry to the lists, this is the place. All fields are required.

Here are a few guidelines for submissions which will help me add your entry to the site more quickly:

  1. Give the title of the movie or film.

  2. List the actors who were in the scene. If you can, look up the movie on the Internet Movie Database ( where you can find the name of the character and the actor.

  3. Please use the entries already listed as a guide for submissions. It makes it easier for me to add the entries when they contain the title, the name of the character and a coherent description of the scene.

  4. Give as much detail as possible. It's hard for me when someone submits "There is a scene in movie X."

For those unclear on the concept: I will send you neither copies nor pictures of any of the movies on the list! Please use the form for submissions only.

Submit here:

webmaster [at]